How Can I Remove a Criminal Record for a Theft Conviction from Over 10 Years Ago? By MaRia FAQAugust 26, 20160 Back to Home How Can I Remove a Criminal Record for a Theft Conviction from Over 10 Years Ago? Hi there, I made a few mistakes in my youth while involved with the wrong crowd. Now I have a theft conviction on my record. This incident happened well over 10 years ago. What can i do to have this theft conviction removed from my record? Can you please assist? Thank you! Answers By Pardons CanadaAugust 26, 2016 11:57 AM Hello Maria, Thank you for taking the time to submit your question to us regarding older theft convictions on a criminal record. Since you have been convicted of a theft charge then you will require a pardon or record suspension to remove your criminal record. The eligibility requirement for a theft under conviction is five years from the end of your punishment, so you are eligible to obtain a pardon record suspension. The process for obtaining a pardon is complicated and requires the collection of important legal documents including police and court records and RCMP files. The application cannot have any errors when submitted for final approval to the federal government. Pardons Canada will complete all of the paperwork on your behalf to ensure that your pardon or record suspension will be approved. I hope this has helped to answer your question! Please feel free to contact the team at Pardons Canada at anytime for more information about how we can further assist you. Back to Home